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Your Husband Can Beat The Crap Out Of You & You Can’t Get Divorced

Your Husband Can Beat The Crap Out Of You & You Can’t Get Divorced

Yes, if you live here in Mississippi, your husband can beat the living crap out of you and you can’t get a divorce.

As I’ve said repeatedly on this blog, why in the heck do you keep voting for the same people?

It’s stupid!

Your legislators, yes, the guy or girl that lives down the street or even next door to you are the ones who are okay with this happening.

You’ll get all kinds of excuses, such as, “I’m not on that committee.” or some other non-sense.

But, in the end, it’s all excuses.

So the bill in the legislature to allow you to get a divorce if your husband beats the crap out of you died in committee.

You are stuck with proving what Judges call “habitual cruel and inhuman treatment.”  (This is a LOT harder to prove and another one of the areas I write about).

So, the question is, are you going to vote for the same person for the state senate and legislature?

I wouldn’t and I suggest you don’t either.

So you can look like this and your state legislators don’t care:

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Here’s the link to the story:

Husband Can Beat You Up And You Can’t Divorce Him


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