Ocean Springs Divorce Lawyer

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About Us

Ocean Springs Divorce Lawyer Mississippi Child CustodyYou see my picture that I posted there?

I really HATE suits.

I never wear them.

If you see me around town or in my office, I’m usually in jeans and a t-shirt.

I guess I posted this picture to try and impress people but the truth is, if you are impressed by a suit, then I’m probably not the right lawyer for you.

If you really want to know about me, you have to know how I was raised.

I grew up in an abusive home and I used to be very scared to tell you that.

I had learned to hide this kind of stuff when I was a kid.

I lied to my friends about things that were broken around my house (my Step-Dad had a bad habit of getting drunk and breaking stuff around the house) because I was too embarrassed to tell them the truth.

If there was ever an evil person born on Earth, it was my Step-Dad.

Good gracious that man was a violent, brutal man.

I still have nightmares about him.

I became a lawyer because I wanted to help people like my Momma who were stuck in those situations.

And I knew that I didn’t want to be financially dependent on anyone like my Momma was because she was stuck with a guy who was probably insane.

No one gave me anything.

I worked my rear-end off to get where I’m at.

I put myself through college and law school and I built two successful businesses with myself and my wife, Sheila.

I’ve got 5 kids!  If you can’t tell I’m Catholic – that’s the 11th Commandment – make as many Catholics as possible and take over the world!!!  🙂 🙂

I represent the Battered Women’s Shelter for free because I like to help those poor women get out of the situation they are in and I don’t want them denied access to a good lawyer because they can’t afford one.

If you stop by my office you’ll notice there’s no sign and that’s because I got tired of the idiot husbands who beat the crap out of their wives knocking it down.  But, the thanks I get for representing those ladies is incredible.

They did the same thing to my mail box so I finally gave up having one of those.

I do strongly recommend that you read my frequently asked questions about divorces and child custody in Mississippi BEFORE you hire a lawyer and that includes me.

If you want to see my family and pictures my hobbies, which are Judo and the New Orleans Saints, see below:

Ocean Springs Divorce Attorney Mississippi Child Custody Lawyer
Jay Foster Divorce Lawyer Ocean Springs Joe Horn
Me, my son, and Joe Horn of the New Orleans Saints!
Second Line To The Super Bowl Game – It Stretched For Over A Mile!!!
Myself And My Son At The Playoff Game In San Francisco!!! We Had That Game!!!
If You Are An “Old School” Fan You Know This Is Joe Horn’s Phone!!!
Me, my son, and my daughter with Whistle Monster At The Super Bowl Party In Miami!!!
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