Ocean Springs Divorce Lawyer

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How To Make Sure You Don’t Get Your Kids In A Divorce

Ocean Springs Divorce Lawyer – Who Gets The Kids?

Do you need an Ocean Springs divorce lawyer?

Maybe not.

But, if you need an Ocean Springs divorce lawyer or not, read this post for some tips on what to do and what not to do.

You can make sure you don’t get your kids by doing the obvious, stupid, things.

Here’s a few for you:

*If you do drugs, you are almost certain to lose your kids in a divorce.
*If you drink too much alcohol, you are almost certain to lose your kids.
*If you have sleep-overs with a member of the opposite sex.
*If you tell your kids to hate Daddy or Momma.
*If you text your spouse something ugly and stupid like you hate them.
*If you text your mistress what you think are cute love notes.
*If you drink and drive with the kids in the car.
*If you take your kids to a bar and leaving them in the car.  This is real intelligent.
*If you get yourself arrested.
*If you abuse your spouse by hitting them.
*Taking your kids to a casino and leaving them in the car.

All of the above have been things I have seen various people do in getting a divorce.

Ocean Springs Divorce Lawyer – Who Gets The Kids?

Listen, do yourself a favor, act like a responsible, mature adult during the divorce.

Do your kids a favor, act like a responsible, mature parent during the divorce.

So, if you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for your kids.

Ocean Springs Divorce Lawyer – Who Gets The Kids?

And please, try as much as possible to be reasonable when settling out property.

I literally tried a case fighting over things in the kitchen.

In the end, does it really matter who gets the spoons and forks?

I hope not.

If you think the below picture is funny and do some of this stupid stuff, you’ll probably end up without the kids in your divorce and I don’t care who you hire as your Ocean Springs divorce lawyer.

Ocean Springs Divorce Lawyer Mississippi Child Custody Lawyer
Ocean Springs Divorce Lawyer Mississippi Child Custody Lawyer




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